Brill-iant Katie to lose locks for cancer day
KATIE Brill is about to do what most 10-year-old girls wouldn’t dream of – shave off her beautiful long brown hair in support of the Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day.
While her mum Lorna Brill said she was very hesitant when Katie first suggested the fund-raising idea, she said the Henschke Primary School student’s enthusiasm and dedication to see the cause through has only grown stronger in past months.
Though Katie has two great grandparents who passed away due to cancer, she said it wasn’t until she saw a segment on 60 Minutes about children with the disease, she decided to take action.
“She is a firm believer in making a difference,” Ms Brill said – who desperately tried to convince Katie to hold a cake stall or organise a fun run to raise money as opposed to shave her hair.
But after Katie stated those options weren’t going to raise enough money and turned down a bid from her grandparents to double the pledges she receives if she kept her hair, the stage is now set for the year 4 student to shed her locks in front of her classmates at lunchtime on Friday.
While her sisters Megan and Abi have described Katie as brave and couldn’t wait to stroke Katie’s newly bald head, Katie said the reaction from her friends has been a bit different.
“Some like the idea, some think it’s a bit funny,” she said.
As the big day arrives, Katie is confident she won’t back out, having already bought three beanies and some thick headbands to complement her new do.
“She is wise beyond her years,” Ms Brill said, reflecting on Katie’s determined nature.
“It’s rare to see a kid whose her age do something for kids she doesn’t even know.” While Katie’s Henwood Park Hawk’s soccer coach has thrown his support behind the youngster, saying he likes bald heads, Ms Brill said there could be a few surprised reactions when teammates first see Katie in coming weeks.
“None of the boys know yet,” Ms Brill said. “I’m not sure what they’ll think when she rocks up.” Katie has set her fund-raising target at $1000. As of last night she had received $460.